Duke offers a Graduate Certificate Program in Nanoscience, providing an interdisciplinary education that extends beyond the traditional disciplines and skills that are taught within any existing department. In this program, graduate students are educated and mentored in classes, labs and research projects by faculty from many disciplines spanning the physical sciences, engineering, and basic biological-science disciplines relevant to Nanoscience.
Professor Michael J. Therien, Director of Graduate Studies (5330 FFSC)
Mei Lu, Program Coordinator (5331 FFSC)
Graduate Certification Program Application
The mission of the Graduate Certificate Program in Nanoscience (CPN) is to educate students in the broad area of Nanoscience and Nanomaterials disciplines. This graduate certificate program is designed to address the need for an interdisciplinary graduate education in nanoscience that extends beyond the traditional disciplines and skills that are taught within existing departments. In this program, graduate students are educated and mentored in classes, labs and research projects by faculty from many disciplines. Current focus areas within nanoscience that are currently represented at Duke include: i) synthesis of nanostructured materials, ii) fundamental properties of nanostructured materials, iii) nanodevice fabrication and applications, iv) environmental impact of nanomaterials, v) Nanomaterials in biomedical applications and vi) advanced characterization of nanostructured materials and devices. The disciplines span the physical sciences, engineering, and basic biological-science disciplines that are relevant to nanoscience; the program includes faculty from departments within Arts and Sciences, the Pratt School of Engineering, and the Medical School. Member departments include: Biology, Biochemistry, Biomedical Engineering, Cell Biology, Chemistry, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, and Physics.
Participating departments include Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Cellular Biology, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, and Physics. Students are admitted into existing departments or programs of Duke University, and receive their Ph.D. degrees within those degree-granting units (typically but not exclusively a participating department).
Participation in the Nanoscience Seminar Series: Students are required to participate in 20 Nanoscience related seminars within 2 years of matriculating into the certification program. A full list of approved seminars is available at https://nano.duke.edu/events.
Required Course: Students are required to take the core course in nanoscience (NANOSCI/ECE 511/CHEM 611 - Foundations of Nanoscale Science and Technology. 3/4 units)
Elective Courses: Students are required to take at least 3 courses from the approved list of elective courses. A full list of the approved courses is available at https://nano.duke.edu/courses.
For more information, visit the Duke Graduate School or Duke Graduate Bulletin.